Activity 2.3.2 Ranches as Grassland Conservation
Six-Point Critical Analysis of Current Event
My blog posting is available online at:
1. Exploratory
During this interview the
speaker states whenever grazing has stopped it damages the land as if it had
become overgrazed. Although it will recover immediately after overgrazing, if
it is left that way it will revert to being as if it was overgrazed.
2. Diagnostic
Jim Howell wants the reader
to know that natural grazing is not harmful to the grass. Natural grazing
allows the grass to recover while commercial grazing does not allow plants to
3. Cause and Effect
If animals do not graze on
a plot of land, then the area would degrade and become as if it were overgrazed.
4. Priority
We must change the ways
commercial grazing uses the land. It would
be more efficient to move around grazing animals so it gives time for areas to
recover but you cannot let an area sit idle for a while either as it would
degrade over time. Though overgrazing is bad for the land the area will be able
to recover over time.
5. Application
This idea that areas need
to be cut back to allow a more diverse environment and allow for growth is
something I never thought of. but you can apply it to mowing grass. If you let
grass grow by itself, it will eventually stop growing and lose nutrients. These
nutrients help new growth and allow soil to be able to sustain life.
6. Critical
This changes the way I view
areas that need recovery. You cannot leave an area alone and expect it to
sustain itself. Trimming and area allows for plants to feed the soil and
animals that graze on it.
Roberson, E. (Host). (2016, May 26). Conserving and restoring the world’s grasslands [Audio podcast episode]. In Mountain & Prairie Podcast.
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